Archive for March 19th, 2010

Angel Card March 19th

March 19, 2010


Hello From  Heaven – Archangel Azrael: Your loved ones in heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries and feel their loving blessing. Your loved ones are near.  In your quiet moments you can feel them.
My thoughts………….
Our loved ones are never far away. We just need to look for the signs that help us see or sense. Many times our relatives will send scents past our noses to help let you know they are ok. Like a perfume they used to wear or maybe the scent of a cigar if they smoked or the scent of their favorite flowers. They will sometimes make the lights in your house flicker, or they move your things to get your attention. The key is that we have to pay attention and see the signs! Talk to your relatives and see how much more they let you know they are around!
Love and Light to you all!!