Archive for December, 2009

Angel Card Dec. 28th

December 28, 2009


Play – Beloved One, It’s time to set aside work for a while. Don’t worry: we will oversee your responsibilities to their completion. Playfulness, gaiety, and laughter will lift your energy so that you’ll return to work with a renewed perspective and heightened energy.
We all need a break at times. You can’t work 24/7. Most people who try to work on those hectic schedules wind up getting sick or something happens. Usually the body will shut it self down and cause you to take time of and or stay home. Usually by getting a cold, or pulling a muscle etc…. Your body and mind both need time to play. It is very important!!! So go outside and ride a bike, or fly a kite. Yes like the Mary Poppins song always said!! (Heather loved that movie when she was little!!) We all need a break!!!
Do something fun today!!!!
Love and light to you all!!!!

Angel Card Dec 21st

December 21, 2009

Shower Of Abundance – To heal your financial situation, first give us your worries concerning money. We will guide you in order to show you how to create and accept abundance. As we work together, your financial situation will heal as fast as you’ll allow.

I try my best to give my financial worries and flow to the angels. At the beginning of the week and at the beginning of each day I ask the angels to bring me prosperity for the day and the week. When I do this without the worry behind it I just find my schedule filled with people coming in to get Reiki, and I know that the angels and the Universe will provide! Have faith and see how far your angels can help take you!!!
Love and Light to you all!!!!

Angel Card Dec. 18th

December 17, 2009
Entrepreneur – Self employment suits your disposition and intentions. Working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and Divine guidance. We are your coworkers and teammates, who remain loyally by your side to ensure your success in all ways.
You can have all that you have ever wanted. Your job should be part of your passion. You can always find ways to get paid for doing things that you love to do. Jobs that feed your soul. When you have doubts ask the angels to help you find ways to get started. They can help you with financial flow, meeting the right people who will help you get started, fining the right place for your job. All you have to do is ask the angles to help you succeed. They want to help you, remember that you need to ask and be specific about the tasks!
Love and Light to you all!!! Follow your passion!!!!

Angel Card Dec. 17th

December 17, 2009

Heart Chakra – The answer you seek is in your heart. Be open to giving and receiving love. The angles want you to trust your feelings. Your heart is wise, and it is calling for you to make important changes. Trust this wisdom as it won’t let you down. This card also calls upon you to open your heart to love. Perhaps your have been hurt in the past, it is time to let yourself heal and trust in yourself and your angles.

Take some time to day to sit and listen to you inner wisdom. Take a moment to mediate and see what your true hearts desire is. You can look at all the aspects of your life’s true heart desire. What job do you desire? Where do you want to live? What kind of car do you want to drive? What kinds of friends do you really want to have? Sit quietly and breathe in and out allowing your thoughts to flow always from you concentrate on your breathing and listen to just your breath. Sit in the calm silence of your breath for a little while. The allow a questioning of your desire to com into your mind. How does your heart answer you?  If your question is about your perfect job….what comes in your mind next…do you see yourself teaching a class, in a court room as a lawyer, maybe a baker, writer, or a healer?  What is your truest work desire? Then go through the other desire questions of your life…know that the first thing you see or hear is very real. You will know it will resonate with you…then ask your angels to help bring your hearts desire to you!
Take the time to listen today!!!

Love and Light to you all!!!!!!!!!!

Angel Card Dec. 16th

December 16, 2009

Ground Yourself – When you detach from awareness of your body and the physical world, you become ungrounded. Although it’s pleasant to float heavenward, your attention and work are needed upon earth. We’re helping you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling Earthly life.

I believe this card is talking about our Earthly work of perfecting our souls. If we spend too much time with our head in the clouds, or doing things like drugs and alcohol then we are not really here with our feet planted on mother earth. The reason we need to find that balance and or have our feet planted is so that we can be here and fulfil our contracts with the Divine and make ourselves more complete. Our souls have chose to come here to perfect and become closer and more like the Divine. Therefore we need to experience some of the pains in life. If you don’t experience unhappiness, then how do you really know what joy is? That is why we come to this place, because here on Earth we can experience the harder side of life and our soul perfect at the highest rates here on this planet. Remember if you are down here then you have made a hard but wise choice and you are a strong child of he Divine!! You really can have and do anything you want. Fine the faith and the rest will follow!
Love and light to you all!!!!!

Angel Card Dec. 15th

December 15, 2009
Blessing in Disguise –  What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You’ll understand the reason behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heaven’s protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way.
Prayers can be answered in ways we didn’t think of. Sometimes the angels will give us sign or clues to help us see that things are moving and or working out for us in the right way. The key is to look for these signs and believe in them when we do see them come our way. They come in the form of coins, feathers, songs, numbers, or a theme for the day. Open your eyes, ears, heart and soul to them. They will guide you through and your prayer will be answered in a way that even gives you the biggest smile!
Don’t over think things, that is when we get ourselves into trouble. Sometimes we need to just sit back and “let go and let the angels”.  I am sure you can remember a time when you tried to force something in your life to happen and it blew up in your face. When that happens it is because we don’t allow for the natural time for something. I know probably more than most that waiting for the right time or moment for something can be truly one of the hardest things to do. When you do sometimes the reward is so much greater than you know.
Sometimes things seem like they are not working out the way you had hoped. Maybe you get passed up for a big promotion, and you just can’t see why. Then 2 weeks later a new position opens up that you have really wanted for the last 2 years and if you had gotten the promotion you would not be eligible for the new position. Something like this can happen in many ways.  So, when things are not going you way remember to stop, step back and ask the angels!!!
Love and Light to all of you!!!!! To your dreams!!!!!!!!

Angel Card Dec. 14th

December 14, 2009
Angel Card Cupid- We send great waves of love into your heart and mind, awakening your love for life itself. Your clear decision to accept and enjoy romance has triggered this reawakening. Allow yourself to spontaneously celebrate love in all of it’s glorious aspects.
Love comes to us all in so many ways. The tiny little hand that grabs your finger and leads you to a pile of books to read, or the sweet or even not so sweet puppy who nudges your hand for a pet and gives you a big wet kiss even after they may have been found digging holes and have mud from tail to face. A smile or a note from a friend. Even that really cool chick who packed your groceries at the end of the line when you were in the self check out. There are so many place to find love, in the arms of someone you love more than life, a hug and a kind word from a very dear friend. When you get up and everything just seems to go exactly right to start your day. Someone who lets you go first in line or on the freeway. There are so many places to look from love from so many things in our lives. I do have to admit for me the BEST place to find that love is in the little things, because they are the memories that we take with us, they are with fills our hearts. That is why I do spend time taking inventory of the all of the smiles, hugs, kind jesters that are given to me very day! I hope that you will start to do the same if you don’t already!

Angel Card Dec. 13th

December 13, 2009

Ground Yourself – When you detach from awareness of your body and the physical world, you become ungrounded. Although it’s pleasant to float heavenward, your attention and work are needed upon earth. We’re helping you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling Earthly life.

I believe this card is talking about our Earthly work of perfecting our souls. If we spend too much time with our head in the clouds, or doing things like drugs and alcohol then we are not really here with our feet planted on mother earth. The reason we need to find that balance and or have our feet planted is so that we can be here and fulfil our contracts with the Divine and make ourselves more complete. Our souls have chose to come here to perfect and become closer and more like the Divine. Therefore we need to experience some of the pains in life. If you don’t experience unhappiness, then how do you really know what joy is? That is why we come to this place, because here on Earth we can experience the harder side of life and our soul perfect at the highest rates here on this planet. Remember if you are down here then you have made a hard but wise choice and you are a strong child of he Divine!! You really can have and do anything you want. Fine the faith and the rest will follow!
Love and light to you all!!!!!

Angel Card Dec 10th

December 10, 2009

Family – This situation is rooted in an emotional experience with a family member, which can help you to understand and heal. In your mind and heart, surround this person, yourself, an the experience with calming blue light and many angles. Be open to the gifts within the situation and allow yourself to feel peace.

Although our families can be trying, try to see them all through the eyes of love. Call on the angles to help and surround you when dealing with those parts of the family that are hard to deal with or when an argument is taking place. They will help you smooth it all out!!
Love and Light to you all!!!!

Angel Card Dec. 9th

December 9, 2009


Reward Yourself – You’ve been giving a lot of yourself lately and it is time for you to receive. Make the time to reward yourself in a meaningful way. This balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood, and motivation at a consistent high level.
Balance is the key in life really no matter what we are talking about. Finding that balance is truly what we all seek. I think it is what we strive for everyday. Taking time to do something for yourself is important. Go out and take a walk, go to a movie, get some Reiki, get a massage, meditate or read a favorite book. It can be as simple as allowing yourself time to do something for you. We like to give to others because (well at least for me) it makes us feel good inside. That is the “pay off”. Why not give ourselves that same “pay off” by being and doing something nice for us? It will pay you back 2x!! Not only will you get the good inside feeling you will also get a great feeling by allowing yourself to give to you!
If you are giving just to get then you are totally missing the point!
Love and Light to you all!!!!!!