Posts Tagged ‘See Only Love’

Reiki Inspiration: Self Love Month!

September 3, 2014

Reiki Inspiration:

The journey to self love is not always the easiest journey you will take but in the end it is the most rewarding journey by far. As we work on self love this month with the self love angels, take some time to call on the angels. Not only explore the inner you but also look at the world around you and take an inventory of how certain situations and people reflect back to you. What are trying to learn about yourself through these situations? When we look at situations in our lives and we don’t feel happy or supported take a moment to assess: “what is this reflecting back to me?”, “Am I seeking approval from the world around me?”, “Do I feel unworthy, unloved or not deserving in this situation?”, “Is it that I am not feeling like it is safe to love”. When you answer these questions you have a huge clue into what you are trying to learn and let go of to find your own true inner love.  Here is an example: You are going to a party and you go to get your hair done before hand. You get to the party and everyone is noticing your friends new look instead of yours. You go home feeling a sad and hurt because you were hoping that your friends would comment on how great you look. If we look at what our inner self is feeling here, we notice that we are trying to seek approval from the world around us. We are not feeling worthy within our selves and so when no one at the party said that we looked great we felt hurt, alone and sad. If we dive further into this and allow the self love angels to shine their light on the core of our being or our soul light, we can see that we are beautiful and amazing in our own Divine light. We know that we looked great with our new hair cut and we don’t need anyone else to tell us that because we did this for us, so we know!!! So take a moment to check in with the inner you as well. Allow that inner you to see things that could be the reason you are feeling the way you are. Maybe when we were growing up we were compared to our brother or sister or someone else and that made us feel not worthy, therefore we wound up seeking approval from the world around us. So let that inner you express all it feels about these feelings and those situations where you felt unworthy. Then let the Self love angels come in and surround you in a bubble of beautiful light. Ask Archangel Michael to come in and cut the cords you have to seeking approval and the unworthiness. Allow the angels to fill you with love light and then let your inner love light shine. Then take a moment to look at your awesome new look in the mirror and be happy and proud of you for YOU!!!!! The more we look at the things that come up for us when dealing with especially sad, frustrated or mad feelings the more we can open up and explore the places that have taken us away from us. Then we can open up with the angels, release the old feelings and bring ourselves back into self love. When we come back to loving us, it is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. When we truly love us with our Divine love and not ego love we open up to the divinity with ourselves and then we can bring unconditional love in for us and for all!!!!!

Reiki Thought Oct. 27th!

October 27, 2011

Sending out reiki to all of you and all of your loved ones today. may the light of reiki help you be, happy, healthy, and filled with love and light today!!


Reiki, Love and light to you all!!!!!!!!!

Reiki Thought Oct. 7th!

October 7, 2011
Sending out reiki to help us get closer to The Divine. Allow the light of reiki to flow through you. When we allow the light of reiki to fill our body, mind and spirit then we allow our vibration to be raised and then we can spend more time with Spirit. We can as the angels to carry us up to spend time with our guides, mentors, loved ones and Spirit. When we are feeling lost, tired, misunderstood, confused, unloved etc… it is the perfect time to allow the angels to carry you up and spend time in the love of spirit. Then when they bring you back you feel filled with light and love and it restarts and resets your own soul, balance and vibration.
There are times I call the angels in when I am feeling down and I ask them to come to carry me up to sit with The Divine. They come in and take me on an astral journey to sit with Spirit. I go up and allow myself to sit in the light and love of the Divine and when I come  back from my astral journey I always feel happy and refreshed!!!
Reiki, Light, and Love to you all!!!!!

Reiki Thought Sept. 13th!!!

September 13, 2011
Sending reiki to all the soul lights on the planet tonight and all of the cosmos. I like to send out light, as if I am at the planetarium, where they pan out from earth and the keep going and going and going until you can see this big ball that encompasses everything in all the solar systems and everything that there is. I envision my reiki lighting up ALL of that, so that everything that has ever existed or will be born is filled with the love and the light of reiki!
Reiki, love and Light to you all

Reiki Thought Sept. 10th!

September 10, 2011
Sending out reiki to own our own feelings. At times we believe that others make us feel things. Although other may evoke a response in us, we own what we think, feel and how we react. Taking ownership of our feelings is a very important step to self responsibility and understanding. Allow the light of reiki to help the light of the Divine to be at the center of our being, that helps us manage our feelings and keeps us centered. Therefore we can stay in the light of love which helps us stay calm, focused and balanced. Then we come from love at all times.
Reiki, Light and love to you all!!!!!

Reiki thought Sept. 9th!

September 9, 2011

Sending out reiki for loving responses. Sometimes we only think about how we feel about a situation or how it effects us. When that happens and we only think of the self we often don’t take into consideration how your response can affect another. Allow the light of reiki to help remind you that you should step back and look through the eyes of love before you make fast decisions and judgements. Allow a loving response to flow between you and others.

When we get stuck in our own thoughts, feeling and sometimes pain or discomfort. We can forget that others may have thoughts or feelings about the same subject. As a rule of thumb that I learned a long time ago, to not react or respond to another when I am angry, hurt, distressed or not in a good place. I take the time to sleep on things or find a way to get to a calm and neutral place before I give my thoughts or opinions because then I respond with love. I do realize that it is not always easy to come from that place, but if you do then it is less likely that you will regret saying or doing something that you may not be able to take back or recover from. We like it when we are treated with love, kindness and respect. So that is where we should aim to come from as well.

Love, Light and reiki to you all!!!!

Reiki thought July 19th!!!

July 19, 2011
Sending out reiki for passion. What is your passion? Allow the light of reiki to help you find your passion. Take some time to meditate today and allow yourself to go within and see what your passions are. Do you need to connect with someone you love, or do you need to find passion within your career, friends, or home? Let Reiki help you get close to your own hearts desires!!
Take the time to see what passion you may need to concentrate on or add to your life!! Allow your heart to open up to the new passions in your life.
 Reiki, Love, and Light to you all!!!

Reiki Thought May 14th!!!

May 14, 2011
Sending out Reiki to all of our soul connections. We are all linked to one another through our soul chakra. Some of those links and bonds are big and strong, some are smaller, but they are all important. Allow the light of reiki to help you nurture those bonds today!!!
Reiki can help the flow of energy between two or more people become filled with love, light hope and faith. It can help get rid of  any issues that you may be having if you let it cleanse and clear and blocked energy between you. Allow the reiki to flow into the soul chakra which is located right by your belly button. Allow it to fill up with yellow light and then see the yellow light extend out like little chords attached to all of those that you love and let the light flow from you to them and help them be filled with the love and light of reiki as well!
Reiki, Light and love to you all!!!
Thanks to ALL of those that I connect with, you mean the world to me!!!

Reiki Thought May 7th!!!!!!!!!

May 7, 2011
SENDING OUT REIKI OF LOVE AND GRATTITUDE!!!! I am sending each and everyone of you lots and lots of love, peace, hope, and reiki for complete mind, body and spirit awareness and contentment!!!! REIKI LIGHT AND LOVE LOVE LOEV TO YOU ALL!!!! LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Reiki Thought April 7th!

April 7, 2011
Sending Out Reiki of perfect sight. When you look at another with loving eyes that is when we have perfect sight. When you play with a child, loved one, pet, or friend. When you feel that joy when you look in someone’s eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul. Allow the light of Reiki to help you look through love into the souls of others and see them with perfect sight.
Through the light of love, you will see others through the light of Reiki, through the eyes of spirit. This can be an amazing gift to give to yourself. Seeing through love, through Reiki helps you find joy and joy is the key to our souls happiness. Allow joy and love to enter your life by seeing other through the eyes of Reiki!!
 Reiki, Light and Love to you all!!!!