Posts Tagged ‘playfulness’

Angel Card July 27th!!!

July 27, 2009

 Play – Beloved One, It’s time to set aside work for a while. Don’t worry: we will oversee your responsibilities to their completion. Playfulness, gaiety, and laughter will lift your energy so that you’ll return to work with a renewed perspective and heightened energy.

We all need a break at times. You can’t work 24/7. Most people who try to work on those hectic schedules wind up getting sick or something happens. Usually the body will shut it self down and cause you to take time of and or stay home. Usually by getting a cold, or pulling a muscle etc…. Your body and mind both need time to play. It is very important!!! So go outside and ride a bike, or fly a kite. Yes like the Mary Poppins song always said!! (Heather loved that movie when she was little!!) We all need a break!!!
Do something fun today!!!!
Love and Light to you all!!!!!!!

Angel Card Dec 14th

December 14, 2008


Playfulness- Fun and play is the angels way. They guide you to add fun to your life and to know that fun is a necessity not a luxury! The angles know that you have a lot of responsibilities and that you need a steady flow of time, money, and other resources. By drawing this card, the angels want you to know that regular doses of fun can help you accomplish your goals. When you have fun you laugh and relax. That gives you a greater connection to the divine. So you cannot afford to not have fun.
For me this card is saying take a break, you have been working very hard and or have to much stress going on. This card reminds me to take some time to just have fun and do something that I love doing. What do you love to do? Listen to music, paint, write, draw, take  a walk, or go shopping with you best friend? Take the time to play today. Do something that you just love to do and brings joy to your day today….do it right now!!! Find what makes you joyful and play in that way today!!!
Love and Light to you all!!!!!!!!!

Angel Card Dec 5th

December 5, 2008
Playfulness- Fun and play is the angels way. They guide you to add fun to your life and to know that fun is a necessity not a luxury! The angles know that you have a lot of responsibilities and that you need a steady flow of time, money, and other resources. By drawing this card, the angels want you to know that regular doses of fun can help you accomplish your goals. When you have fun you laugh and relax. That gives you a greater connection to the divine. So you cannot afford to not have fun.
When I get this card it usually means I have been too hard on myself or others and I need to step back, take a breath and have fun. One of the best things to do is something you enjoy that makes you laugh. Laughing till your sides hurt or you cry and can’t breathe sometimes is the best medicine of all!! You always have and find a new perspective after you have a great laugh and or a great time. I think the angels reminding us to have some fun is a very important thing to remember!! so go do something fun today and make sure you have a great laugh. Maybe rent a comedy or go to a comedy club!!!
Love and Light to all of you!!!!